Event Schedule 2024-12-12T07:03:12+00:00

Day Time Session
Day 1 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Registration and Guests Take Their Seats
9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Parallel Technical Sessions 1 and 2
10:30 AM to 10:50 AM Morning Tea Break
11:00 AM to 12:10 PM Inaugural Session
12:10 PM to 1:30 PM Plenary Session
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Poster Session / Prayer Break and Lunch
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Technical Session 3
4:00 PM to 4:25 PM Afternoon Tea Break
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Technical Session 4
Day 2 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Parallel Technical Sessions 5 and 6
10:30 AM to 10:55 AM Morning Tea Break
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Parallel Technical Sessions 7 and 8
12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Poster Session / Prayer Break and Lunch
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM Technical Session 9
3:30 PM to 3:55 PM Afternoon Tea Break
4:00 PM to 5:20 PM Prize Giving Ceremony and Concluding Session
5:20 PM to 6:00 PM Prayer Break
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Business Session